
Frequently Asked Questions

-- General --

Answer #1

A QR-code scanned by a smartphone, or input in the main page will send GPS coordinates to the designated contact of the QR-ode owner.

Answer #2

On anything or anyone!, you can place QR-Code on identity cards, id bracelets, pet tags, books, tools, etc. Use it to find lost children, elder people, handicapped people, use it anywhere you want.

Answer #3

Username requires to be at least 5 characters long and a maximum of 20, allowed characters are any letter and numbers, plus special characters (dot) '.', (dash) '-' or (underscore) '_'.

Answer #4

QR-Code aliases can be up to 40 characters long, allowed characters are any letter and numbers, plus special characters (dot) '.', (dash) '-' or (underscore) '_'.

Answer #5

Emergency contact description has to be at least 1 character long up to a maximum of 20, allowed characters are any letter and numbers, plus special characters (dot) '.', (dash) '-' or (underscore) '_

Answer #6

Password has to be at least 8 characters long up to a maximum of 40, any combination of numbers, letters, and special characters require at least 1 lowercase, 1 capital letter, and 1 special character

Answer #7

Yes!, we monitor the requests, and after 5 consecutive requests, the system will ask for a captcha and will record connection and GPS information of the requester.

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